‘God wants us to be saints and not settle for a bland or mediocre existence’!
The AOB Calendar 2019 highlights this message from Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate.

Twelve unique illustrations – one for each month - feature Biblical figures who answered God’s ‘call to holiness’, not because they were extraordinary but were, on the contrary, simple people - from Job who extolled God despite his afflictions, to a young teenage girl who said ‘Yes!’ The significance lies in the realisation that ‘each of us is a reason in the Divine Plan’ and these people show us how we can use ‘the most personal gifts that God has placed in (our) hearts’ to ‘give the very best of ourselves.’
In keeping with its catechetical purpose, the 2019 calendar provides references to the Liturgies for the day including special feasts and observations. Holidays (national and state) and special days observed internationally are also indicated. As in previous years, the calendar will be overprinted in black and white with the name and address of your Parish, the Parish Team and Mass timings as provided by you.
In keeping with its catechetical purpose, the 2019 calendar provides references to the Liturgies for the day including special feasts and observations. Holidays (national and state) and special days observed internationally are also indicated. As in previous years, the calendar will be overprinted in black and white with the name and address of your Parish, the Parish Team and Mass timings as provided by you.

