Farewell – Fr Melroy Fernandes!
He shuttles between the execution of online Masses and the evening Catechesis, pulls off a perfect balancing act coming up with inventive ideas and reviewing content and creatives for social media, addresses a never-ending series of calls from an enthusiastic team, and juggles a ton of pastoral duties! It would take a superhero to tick off all the tasks on a to-do list this extensive, but Fr Melroy Fernandes does it all, and more! As the Creative Director of the Catholic Communication Centre (CCC), Fr Melroy has been on his toes for the past 15 years, driving the creative operations of the Archdiocesan Communication and Media wing.
If you step into the CCC office, it’s hard to miss his wit and liveliness. Although Fr Melroy’s disciplinarian approach and jocular nature may seem a contrast of sorts, it has helped shape many young minds, and establish strong relationships with the CCC team and all those who regularly walk through the office doors. His keen eye for detail, ear for music and enthusiasm to discuss fresh ideas have earned him his stripes as a Priest who has propagated the faith in endlessly creative ways. With Fr Melroy’s careful guidance and unique perspective, one can never go wrong in conceptualizing, and executing, a meaningful creative campaign. A man of many talents, he has donned numerous hats over the years, and shouldered responsibilities that require writing, shooting and editing of videos, voice-overs, knowledge of Scripture, art and design.
Fr Melroy’s love for God, his determination to make the faith more accessible and understandable to all, and his emphatic stance that the CCC’s purpose – communion through communication – be the driving force behind every creative message, has been fundamental ever since the inception of the CCC.
As he completes his leg of the race at the office he skillfully nurtured, and passes on the baton - we thank Fr Melroy for the time and talent he invested in making the CCC what it is today. We are honoured to follow in his legacy. May God continue to bless him in his future endeavours!