A friendship tested in fire… Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego (Dan 3: 8-30)
Make the Bible your ‘go to’ place to check out what friendship means #FriendshipGoals

Faith and trust are integral to every friendship… Peter walks on water with Jesus’ help (Matthew 14: 25-32)

Friendship spans all kinds of distances, including heaven and earth… Archangel Raphael helps Tobias through some very tough times (Tob: 5–12)

A true friend does what is necessary when it’s necessary…
they opened up a roof so that Jesus could heal their friend (Lk 5: 17 – 20)
they opened up a roof so that Jesus could heal their friend (Lk 5: 17 – 20)

There is no greater love … than Jesus’ love for us (Mt 27:33-50)

The Archdiocese of Bombay wishes everyone a happy Friendship Day!